DWI Experience You Can Count On

Midland DWI Attorney

Experienced Defense Against Driving While Intoxicated Charges in Midland County & Odessa, Texas

If you have been charged with a DWI, the legal consequences can be severe, and it is essential to have competent legal representation. However, with the help of an experienced DWI attorney in Midland, you can minimize the impact of a DWI charge. Our law firm understands the complexities of DWI criminal cases and has the necessary experience to fight for your rights. We will work tirelessly to investigate the circumstances of your arrest, identify any weaknesses in the prosecution's case, and develop a robust defense strategy. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible outcome in your DWI case, and we are committed to providing you with the skilled legal representation you need.

DWI Laws in Texas

If you are facing a DWI charge in Texas, it is essential to understand the state's DWI laws. In Texas, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, the intoxication threshold. If you are under 21, the legal limit is even lower, at 0.02%. Additionally, it is illegal to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, regardless of your BAC. 

Texas also has implied consent laws, which means that if an officer lawfully arrests you with probable cause to believe you are driving while intoxicated, you must take a breath, blood, or urine test to determine your BAC. Refusing to take a chemical test can automatically suspend your driver's license, and the prosecution may use your refusal as evidence against you in Texas court.

What is the Difference Between DUI and DWI in Texas?

In Texas, DUI stands for "driving under the influence," and DWI stands for "driving while intoxicated." DUI is a Class C misdemeanor, while DWI is a more severe Class B misdemeanor.

What are the Penalties for a DWI in Texas?

The penalties for driving while intoxicated (DWI) depend on the severity of the offense and whether or not it is a first-time conviction. Generally speaking, the maximum penalty for a first-time DWI in Texas is a fine of up to $2,000, community service, and up to six months in jail.

For more serious criminal offenses, such as those involving prior convictions or BAC levels over 0.15, defendants may face harsher penalties, including mandatory minimum jail sentences and license revocation for up to two years. Depending on the circumstances of each case, a judge could impose any combination of fines, driver's license suspension, community service, and/or jail time.

In addition to criminal penalties, those convicted of DWI can face the consequences in other aspects of life, such as increased insurance rates or even loss of employment due to incorrect background checks. It is important to understand all potential outcomes so you can be prepared for any possible consequences or effects. Our experienced Midland DWI lawyer can help explain all scenarios you may face when facing criminal charges.

Are you facing a DWI charge in Texas? Call Tommy W. Hull, PC today at (432) 223-0044 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our DWI lawyer in Midland!  

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    "DWI dismissed!"

    From the very first conversation I had with Tommy Hull, I felt much that I was in good hands, and that feeling has served to be true. I highly recommend him, he has helped me more than I could have imagined.
    - Former Client
    "Made the whole process very easy."
    Tommy Hull got my DWI case dismissed. Took care of all paperwork. Explained in detail all options and what would happen.
    - Andres
    "He is very professional and takes care of business."
    He is very professional and takes care of business.
    - Leah S.
    "Would recommend him to anyone in need of a criminal defense attorney."
    We could not be happier with the outcome as he got the case dismissed. Would recommend him to anyone in need of a criminal defense attorney.
    - Kathryn
    "He Knows what he is doing and very understanding."
    Was facing a felony DWI that was enhanced. Within weeks, Tommy had my case thrown out by state.
    - Anthony
    "Great Attorney, Excellent Service!"
    I had an assault charge and Tommy Hull got my case dismissed without me ever having to go to court. The process was smooth, the staff is very friendly and helpful.
    - Adrian
    "Tommy Hull as my criminal defense attorney was absolutely amazing."
    Tommy Hull as my criminal defense attorney was absolutely amazing.
    - Timothy
    "DWI case dismissed, DL not revoked."
    DWI case dismissed, DL not revoked.
    - M S